Monday, August 16, 2010

What can we learn from spaghetti sauce?

An awesome new administrator recommended that I watch this TED video by Malcom Gladwell.

From this I am wondering just how important student choice is when it comes to assessment for learning?

Gladwell speaks about :
We are not always able to explain what we need or want.
Horizontal segmentation gives people something to aspire to - different things for different folks
Embracing diversity leads to happiness


  1. Nice one "AH". It seems to be a metaphor for teaching!

    1. "To a worm in horseradish, the world is horseradish."
    This yiddish quote reminds me of how we are all in a transparent cup. It is not until we step outside that transparent cup that we realize we were in it. How can we learn to step outside our comfort zones? How can we empower our learners (and ourselves) to step outside? How do we learn what we don't know?

    2. Perfect Pepsi or Perfect Pepsis? lesson or lessons?= differentiating instruction

    3. Do you prefer Ragu or Prego? Personally, I prefer my momma's homemade sauce. Some nights I even dream of it. Reminds me that if momma never made her sauce I would have only had the choice of Ragu or Prego. Thank goodness she took a risk and went her own path. We also need to take risks and help students create their own paths to, so they can reach their dreams.

    4. Grey Poupon? = different kinds of mustards for different kinds of people. Nice juxtaposition as we need to know our students and find out what they desire.

    All of this equates to engagement and happiness.... and a lovely meal!

  2. Great post about choice and assessment for learning. Two nights ago I stumbled upon this story posted by K. Tenkely about two explorers. One is given a directed path while the other one is given the tools to direct his path in his own way. They both end up with different directions for sure. Great analogy! Check it out! Thanks for sharing the Gladwell video!

  3. I just discovered your shelfari! That is pretty cool. Gosh AH, I feel kind of proud of you for getting it on here. Nicely done! It looks cool. :-)
